DON’T BE FOOLED!!! Maat is Not the 42 Negative Confessions

27 06 2021

Don't be fooled

I wrote”Don’t be fooled!!! Maat is not the 42 Negative Confessions” is in response to hoteppers. 

You see,  Kemetic Spirituality has become so popular, there are some who are trying to hijack it and convince people into believing that Maat is all about the 42 Negative Confessions. Don’t be fooled! Maat is not the 42 Negative Confessions.  I am here to tell you that this is not what Maat is about. For more information on Maa, check out the video and see Maa

How to Get MAAT to Teach You Balance, Holistic & Magickal Thinking

22 06 2021

Maa and Holistic Thinking

“How to get Maat to teach you balance, holistic and magickal thinking” is an important video that will help you to spiritually develop.  This is because a lot of what is riding on Maat deals with faith in yourself.

In this video, I share how Maat taught me this skill and how I use it in everyday life. I hope you enjoy it.    

What is the Real Difference between Magick and Spirituality?

4 11 2018

Hetepu (Peace & Blessings) Family.

You know, I remember when I first started on this spiritual path, like many people from a Christian background, I was immediately attracted to religious practices that my parents and other Christians frowned upon. For instance, I went out my way to visit the brightly colored candle shop in Detroit on 7 Mile that my parents discouraged me from doing, as we drove to and from church. I went out of my way to talk to actual authentic rootworkers whom I was told by religious people were either strange and/or evil.  I went out of my way to talk to practitioners in Lukumi (Santeria) and Palo Mayombe because Christians told me that they worshipped the devil. I have even learned from people who practice both the Brazilian Candomble and Macumba.  But, I followed the Kemetic path because my spirit inspired me to do so and informed me that the Ancient Egyptians were not idol worshippers. Basically, a large portion of my spiritual understanding simply was the result of me rebelling against my conditioned upbringing.

But, I remember there were a few families whom I met on this path that turned their back on traditional/spiritual way.  For instance, I remember I met a priestesses whom after years of struggle, returned to the church to save her marriage and unite her family.  In another family I knew where the children were raised in the spiritual tradition, two of the children when they got older did not want to have anything to do with the tradition.  The youngest child converting to Christianity, condemned the practice altogether and as far as I know, is actively persecuting his parents for their involvement in the African derived tradition.

Exu Marabo and Exu with Pomba Gira on Macumba Altar

All of this really made me wonder why would people leave our traditional way for the religion of our oppressor.  At first I thought that maybe it was because they were not serious about the tradition and saw it as a fad, but that didn’t explain why the family that was raised in an African tradition would turn their back on it.  Then, I thought that maybe it was because these people do not know their history but, that response did not explain why the priestess I knew converted back to the religion to save her marriage and family. Then, I met my godfather, a practicing spiritist, and a member of the Abakua Society who had been practicing Lukumi all of his life in Cuba before migrating to the States.

I remember asking him a very serious, yet silly question based upon all that I had read about African religions and traditions.  I asked him, “Why is it that all they do in Santeria is do magic?”

And, he told me something (in Spanish) that I would never forget, which was that “Lukumi es muy espiritual pero debes conocer tu Manera,” which translates to “Lukumi is very spiritual but you have to know your Way.

I have spent a lot of time writing about La Manera or the Way because it is what the Kemetic sages called Maa, which is not simply about the law, the truth, balance, etc.  It is about your Law, your Truth, what Balances you, etc.

It came to me some time later that my question was silly but a good one because the reason people convert back to the religion of their oppressor is because they do not have Knowledge of Self.

Knowledge of Self is not just knowing that you are god and a goddess and running around saying “Peace God/Goddess!”

Knowledge of Self is about knowing that your lower self or your ego-self is dominating your life, dominating the way you think, and controlling the way you talk and behave.  If you are having any problems in your life, it can be traced back to your lower self because you have been conditioned to follow it.  In other words, you are in the habit of listening to this part of your being. Things seem gloom in this world because people are controlled by their lower self but, there is an alternative way.

We do not have to follow our lower self. We can have a better life. We can have a healthy life. We can have a loving marriage and healthy children. We can have a prosperous business.  We do not have to live in tyranny of our lower self.  We can reach out and connect with our Higher Self with the understanding that we have to put whatever we want in the Higher Self’s hands.

This is where the magick comes into play. It is magical and mysterious how our Higher Self or Superconscious works, which is the reason the old biblical writers called it God, then later these Christians called it Jesus.  But, they got the idea from our Kemetic Ancestors who personified the Higher Self or Superconscious as Osar.  They did not worship Osar.  They realized that it was our Higher Self, which is an individual’s True God.

So, if I declare “Thank you for perfect health” over and over before I go to sleep, when I wake, when I am driving, when I am taking a shower, and basically every time I get a chance. Eventually, my lower (subconscious) self is going to hand this declaration to my Higher (Superconscious) Self. And, as soon as I forget that I made the declaration, that’s when my miracle or magic will manifest in the physical.

That’s it! I know it seems to easy and good to be true, but magick is simply programming your entire Spirit (Higher and Lower Self). Now, for some people repeating declarations does not get it for them, so they prefer to chant a mantra, while others may choose to inscribe it on a candle.  Still others might find it better to create a sigil, which are all methods discussed in the The Kamta Primer.  It does not matter what method you use because they are all techniques used to program your Spirit or do magic.

But, most people come into this based upon a warped understanding. As a result, we spend a whole lot of time focusing on the technique or the tools, instead of on the nuts and bolts, which is all about our Higher Self.

Family. This is what “they” want us to do. “They” want us to argue back and forth about on what technique is best.  “They” want us to see all of this hell occurring in the streets and be discouraged by it and/or think we are powerless.  When all we have to do is declare it and allow our Spirit(s) to deal with it.

“They” want us to be confused about who we are. “They” want us to convert back to their social control but it is not working, which is the reason you are reading this post and others like it.

Don’t get caught up in the trap of thinking it is all about magick.  It is all about staying connected to our Higher Self, our Osar.


7 Codes/Laws of Maa: The Secret to Moses’ Power and the Mysterious Books of the Dead

4 01 2013

Hetepu (Peace) Family

Recently someone asked me if I could elaborate on what the 7 Codes/Laws of Maa are and what makes them different from the 7 Principles of Maat.

Well, the fact is that all traditional healing systems function or operate by the same codes, laws or principles. Depending upon the tradition you have been called to the number of principles can range from 5, 7, 9 to 13 and so on. Most esoteric systems settle around seven because the number seven usually has a special meaning. In my own path it is Oset’s (Aset, Auset, Isis in Greek) number and corresponds to the number of manifestation. The number also relates to Oset, who was the foundation and the rock, the birthed Osar’s (Asar, Ausar, Osiris in Greek) return through his heir Hru (I am speaking metaphorically).  The number seven also relates to inner knowledge. Inner knowledge or insight is one of the principles that corresponds to Maa, symbolized as an eye for inner sight. But, inner knowledge for what you might ask?


First put aside your intellect. It has already been confirmed that the Kamitic/Kemetic people did not have slaves build the pyramids and so forth. In fact, most Hebrew Kaballist don’t even believe the story was literally true, but metaphorically it was, which is why you need to put aside your intellect to understand this thing about the 7 Codes/Laws of Maa. Ready?

Well, remember Moses according to biblical lore was supposed to be an educated Hebrew that was raised in the palace of the Kamitic/Kemetic ruler Ramses (Ra Mesh)? Remember according to legend he could do all sorts of miraculous things? Then, when he led his people out of bondage he was going to give them some laws to set them free?


Cecile B. DeMille’s Ten Commandments starring Charleston Heston.

Well, the laws that Moses was supposed to be giving his people were supposed to be the same principles that he learned in Kamit, that gave him the ability to accomplish the miraculous feats of legend. Keeping in mind what I said about sacred numbers, it should be noted that Moses wrote five books.  So, what happened? Why didn’t he teach them how to become god-like? It was because he learned that his people weren’t ready. This is why he got angry with them and threw the tablets. Actually he simplified the laws into simple commandments.  Sidebar: I remember I use to always wonder about this when I was a kid, which was why Moses had to tell his people, don’t commit adultery, don’t steal, don’t kill, etc. as if they didn’t know something was wrong with it? I use to wonder why didn’t he give the same commandments to the Kamitic/Kemetic people? It was because they already knew them, which meant the Ten Commandments is a ruse or a metaphor for something else.

Now, the Kamitic/Kemetic people (Ancient Egyptians) didn’t have a set of laws that they lived their lives by, like the ancient Hebrews did or like we do in these contemporary times. There were no laws stating, “Thou shalt not kill,” because such a commandment would not be applicable in times of war or self-defense. The Kamitic/Kemetic philosophers instead understood one thing that Moses took for granted and is taken for granted in our society today, which is that provided we all have considerable use of our five physical faculties, thus we can be considered normal.  We all have different cognizances based upon our affiliations, backgrounds, beliefs, etc., which is why we can’t generalize what truth is and is not.   In other words, you can’t expect everyone to be on the same page as you because we all have different levels of understanding based upon our knowledge and maturity.  This is why the children of Israel didn’t understand Moses.  This is why it is foolish to try and force someone to accept certain truths. In fact, I believe the present situations involving most organized religion is due to force conversions to religious beliefs, because anyone who truly understood these prophets would be dead set against atrocities occurring in their name.  This would mean that the heinous acts committed in these individual’s name (or so-called “God’s name”) are actually being perpetrated by individuals who have misinterpreted and misunderstood the original teachings. There is no way Jesus could have preached about love, yet at the same time those who had different beliefs he declare enslave and kill. This is why Jesus says and I paraphrase, “do not throw pearls to swine.”


This means that original message or Truth that was taught by these prophets was seriously warped and it was warped by seriously spiritually immature individuals. Said another way, “the swine got hold of the pearls.” How did this happen? Well, we all have played the childhood game of telling secrets, where the original secret that is told becomes a whole new story by the time it reaches the last child in the link. So, the Kamitic/Kemetic philosopher understood this and this is why they chose not to teach Truth in this manner.  They refused to create laws commanding people to do x,y, and z, but they understood that the people needed something to govern themselves with. So, the plan then became for people to learn how to govern themselves through “commonsense” and this is how I believe the 7 Codes/Laws of Maa were conceived.  It is based upon the fact that everyone (that is normal) has “commonsense” or God within.  The thing is that we have to learn how to listen to it, which requires self-discipline.  When we learn how to listen or follow our Higher Self or what the Kamitic/Kemetic philosophers called the ba, we discover what my spiritual teacher called “La Manera,” which is Spanish for “The Way.”  The Way is another synonym for Maa, which simply means in a nutshell that “what works for you may not work for me,” and this is where self-control, self-discipline and self-governing comes into play.


Anyone that has really lived truth knows that TRUTH is dependent upon both knowledge and wisdom.

If Moses’ people were spiritually mature, he would have given them the same principles that he was taught, which enabled him to become the Great Conjure Man of the bible. But, they weren’t ready and this is why the only thing that people have to remember this event by is the Ten Commandments. The true principles however, were based upon Maa and another word synonymous with Maa is Faith and this is the secret to Moses’ power.  As any true kaballist will tell you, there is a whole host of magical charms attributed to Moses and magic isn’t fueled by the intellect but by Faith.

The first observable Truth that the ancient Kamitic/Kemetic philosophers could all acknowledge and agree upon was on the power of man and woman’s will, along with the fact that we all live and we all will physically die.  So, to help people to come into their divinity, governing their own “selves” and to prevent people from just making up spiritual paths as they go along to fit their whims.  The Kamitic philosophers created the 7 Codes/Laws of Maa, which were taught to Moses. These codes/laws have been adapted and modified to contemporary times but generally speaking they are:

1. Maa is Truth and Is Based Upon Perspective
2. Maa is Balance and Is Limited by the Mind
3. Maa is Harmony and Becomes What Attention is Focused On.
4. Maa is Justice and Doing What is Right, Right Now.
5. Maa is Love and Love is Exchange
6. Maa is Order and Not Coincidence
7. Maa is Propriety and Doing What is Relevant

As you can see, these codes/laws are ideal principles that speaks to each individual based upon his or her knowledge and maturity. These Codes/Laws based upon one’s maturity allows one to create the type of life they want provided it is according to Maa. Like the principle of gravity, they will never change and will continue to assist an individual regardless of his or her growth because they aren’t laws, so there is no need to update them. If you have studied another system, you will find that these Codes/Laws coincide with the principles of that system as well, provided it is focused on the evolution of consciousness.

For instance, Code 1 we see that the truth to an individual can be the religion that they were born in, but as an individual’s cognizance expands. It can include metaphysical principles and so on. Does it mean that one of the perspectives is right and the other wrong. Not at all.  In this situation both perspectives are valid, but the latter has more knowledge on the subject according to their awareness. It is like comparing an elementary math student to a phd math candidate.  Both perspectives are valid, the latter just has a better grasp on the subject because of his or her knowledge and maturity.


So you see, these 7 Codes/Laws of Maa or Principles were never meant to be Commandments or Laws because life is not black and white. Only spiritually immature individuals that have a limited understanding of who they are (Knowledge of Self) would see life as being so rigid, which is why they see the need for having Laws.  These individuals feel that if they didn’t have commandments or laws given to them by the Almighty God that they will not follow them. This is the reason the Commandments given to Moses’ people had to be modified, which is why John the Baptist and Jesus came into the Christian scene.

The Kamitic/Kemetic philosophers always understood that life is very grey, which is why they advertised, promoted and encouraged people to live a life dedicated to Maa (Balance). They knew that once an individual finds his or her Maa (Balance/Way). No one has to put the fear of God in them because they have a love for the God within them.  For instance, an individual with the Love of God within them according to Code 5 would not harm an individual just to do so nor would they allow harm to fall upon another, but they would defend themselves and others according to Code 4. This is because the 7 Codes/Laws of Maa made one responsible for themselves and each other. Part of the reason why is because at the core of Maa is Love, which is another principle associated with Maa.  This is why the netcharu (netjeru, neteru, guardian angel, etc.) that governed Maa was called Maat, depicted as a woman wearing a feather on her head. The feather symbolized that Maa is a powerful force that is light as a feather but very strong as a rock, hence it is the foundation for the universe as indicated by the uraeus (serpent) emerging from the third eye.

The Kamitic/Kemetic philosophers had all sorts of puns, and according to Kamitic philosophy Maa was the first thing that the Almighty God Nebertcher created after coming into Being. It is the foundation that our universe is built upon and everything from the duality that exists in nature to love is reflected through the Maa. This is why it is important that everyone find his or her own Maa, because it is how the divine energy is able to manifests itself through you.  For instance, as I mentioned in previous works, I grew up in a Christian household and never learned how to pray (at least not how I heard the televangelists pray), but the first time I set “Lights” (candles) it came easy to me. But, according to my Christian upbringing I was wrong for setting lights.  It was only because of Code 2 and Code 5 that I realized that this is my Maa (my Way). This is one of the ways the Divine works through me, by working through my hands. I now can lay hands and have used my hands to bless others such as blessing them through prayer, artwork, cooking, etc. It was through the Maa that I learned that I have what the old folks called ‘Healing Hands’, but I would never have learned this had I not followed the 7 Codes of Maa. Now, because I have Healing Hands, there are certain things that I have to do so that I don’t lose my divine talent. Like any other divine talent, if it is not used correctly it will be taken away from you. Not because God is punishing you but simply because of Maa – Cause and Effect. Without the 7 Codes of Maa, who knows how long it would have taken for me to learn this. As you can see, this is one of the ways the 7 Codes of Maa can help you to find your Way.

The Books of the Dead

So, when you compare the 7 Codes/Laws of Maa with the 42 Declarations (incorrectly called the 42 Laws of Maat or 42 Negative Confessions) and the whole Pert em Hru (the so-called Egyptian Book of the Dead which translates literally to The Book of the Sun/Day) we can easily see that the Declarations and the book itself is actually someone’s spiritual diary with their favorite scriptures, spells and so forth.

At first I didn’t want to accept this but, the more I learned about shamanistic culture. The more I began to realize that, that is what the Pert em Hru was, which is very similar to the Tibetan Bardol Thodol (the Tibetan Book of the Dead).  Those familiar with deep meditation know that when you meditate on a much deeper level you know that you will come in contact with a host of immaterial entities. These entities or spirits can be helpful or spiteful, but it all depends upon the practitioner’s perspective, hence Code 1. This is why even Set (the evil one) can be made to serve. Most authors miss the point when it comes to interpreting the Pert em Hru because they don’t understand shamanic cultures and shamanic traditions. It is only when we see the Kamitic/Kemetic society as a traditional African culture that followed a magico-religious faith with shamanistic techniques. That we will truly understand what the Pert em Hru was all about. Once we do, we will understand that the 7 Codes/Laws of Maa gives us the ability to write our own Pert em Hru, which metaphorically means The Book of Transforming Your Will. That’s right people, to the spiritually immature it was called a book of magic.

It is sort of like the Christian bible or the Holy Bible, which in Latin is called Helios Biblios or Sun Book (sounds familiar). Now, this is not by coincidence (Code 6). At first glance you would think that the early Christians simply copied it from the Kamitic/Kemetic people. I did as well, but I was missing the deeper truth. I had the facts but not the wisdom. It wasn’t until I reviewed how the elders in my life viewed the bible that I got a better understand what it was. You see, back in the day, older people would read and read and read the bible the closer the came to end of their life cycle on earth. It was like they were trying to memorize it. I remember meeting one elder who was always happy. When asked why he was so happy all of the time, he stated that he had one scripture that he remembered, which was a Psalms that he always repeated in times of difficulties. Old people throughout the Southern US were known for using the Psalms.  In fact there is a whole tradition on using the Psalms and even divining with the bible. Yeah, no one wants to talk about how culture seeps out of us even when we aren’t trying to but every time that preacher steps up to the pulpit and opens the bible. He (or she) is divining as to what the inner self needs to tell him or her self and the congregation. I have seen the same thing done with the Quran by people in the rural areas of Senegal.

Do you understand what the Christian bible is now? I might remind you that quiet as kept, the Christian bible was buried with the dead as well, just like the Kamitic/Kemetic bible. No one says, the Christian Book of the Dead but, this tradition is still practiced in some areas, so you do understand what the Christian bible is now?  It is the Christian’s Book of Transformation.  Many people have mixed views about the bible because of how it was used as a tool of propaganda, but in Theophus Smith’s Conjuring Culture: Biblical Formations of Black America, the author shows how African Americans, Jamaicans and others used the bible as a tool of resistance to conjure their own reality.

The problem is that most of our ancestors didn’t teach us before they left this plane how to do the same.  Fortunately, I discovered that this was possible because of the 7 Codes/Laws of Maa. Now, our ancestors didn’t know of the 7 Codes/Laws and probably didn’t call them as such, but these codes can be found in any traditional culture.  You see the thing about the 7 Codes/Laws of Maa is that if you think of them as being laws then they will degrade into commandments, which later becomes dogma. Again, this is the problem the ancient Hebrews had, which is why Jesus had to come and correct them. But, when you see the 7 Codes/Laws of Maa for what they really are you see that they are the same divine principles that gave birth to the Universe. That’s right. These are the same principles that the Creator used to create the Universe and everything in it. This is why by learning the 7 Codes/Laws of Maa, you can manifest similar miracles in your life because it is the foundation of spiritual technology. Everything such as the so called law of attraction and positive thinking is based upon the 7 Codes of Maa, which gives one the ability to change whatever he or she wills, hence the Pert em Hru.  For instance, we find the ability to lay hands on an individual is based upon Code 1, Code 2 and Code 3. Karma is based upon Code 4, Code 5, Code 6 and Code 7, and so on.  So, the 7 Codes/Laws of Maa were all about, teaching people how to come into their divinity and create the desired change in their life using the power of the divine. Simply put, the codes allows you to create miracles in your life. The Codes are not laws just guiding principles that should be kept in mind. It is through these codes anyone can pick up anything and make changes according to their will. Understand, that when I am talking about making changes, I am not saying that you can twinkle your nose like Samantha on Bewitched or tap your broom like Nanny McPhee. No, we’re talking about using the same principles that the universe were created upon to sow seeds in the invisible spiritual realm to manifest physically through faith.

Hope that helps.


Derric “Rau Khu” Moore

Also see: F*** Karma! (What People Don’t Tell You About Karma) 

For more information on the Maa click on Maa: A Guide to the Kamitic Way for Personal Transformation

7 Codes/Laws of Maa: The Secret to Moses' Power and the Mysterious Books of the Dead

4 01 2013

Hetepu (Peace) Family
Recently someone asked me if I could elaborate on what the 7 Codes/Laws of Maa are and what makes them different from the 7 Principles of Maat.
Well, the fact is that all traditional healing systems function or operate by the same codes, laws or principles. Depending upon the tradition you have been called to the number of principles can range from 5, 7, 9 to 13 and so on. Most esoteric systems settle around seven because the number seven usually has a special meaning. In my own path it is Oset’s (Aset, Auset, Isis in Greek) number and corresponds to the number of manifestation. The number also relates to Oset, who was the foundation and the rock, the birthed Osar’s (Asar, Ausar, Osiris in Greek) return through his heir Hru (I am speaking metaphorically).  The number seven also relates to inner knowledge. Inner knowledge or insight is one of the principles that corresponds to Maa, symbolized as an eye for inner sight. But, inner knowledge for what you might ask?


First put aside your intellect. It has already been confirmed that the Kamitic/Kemetic people did not have slaves build the pyramids and so forth. In fact, most Hebrew Kaballist don’t even believe the story was literally true, but metaphorically it was, which is why you need to put aside your intellect to understand this thing about the 7 Codes/Laws of Maa. Ready?
Well, remember Moses according to biblical lore was supposed to be an educated Hebrew that was raised in the palace of the Kamitic/Kemetic ruler Ramses (Ra Mesh)? Remember according to legend he could do all sorts of miraculous things? Then, when he led his people out of bondage he was going to give them some laws to set them free?


Cecile B. DeMille’s Ten Commandments starring Charleston Heston.

Well, the laws that Moses was supposed to be giving his people were supposed to be the same principles that he learned in Kamit, that gave him the ability to accomplish the miraculous feats of legend. Keeping in mind what I said about sacred numbers, it should be noted that Moses wrote five books.  So, what happened? Why didn’t he teach them how to become god-like? It was because he learned that his people weren’t ready. This is why he got angry with them and threw the tablets. Actually he simplified the laws into simple commandments.  Sidebar: I remember I use to always wonder about this when I was a kid, which was why Moses had to tell his people, don’t commit adultery, don’t steal, don’t kill, etc. as if they didn’t know something was wrong with it? I use to wonder why didn’t he give the same commandments to the Kamitic/Kemetic people? It was because they already knew them, which meant the Ten Commandments is a ruse or a metaphor for something else.

Now, the Kamitic/Kemetic people (Ancient Egyptians) didn’t have a set of laws that they lived their lives by, like the ancient Hebrews did or like we do in these contemporary times. There were no laws stating, “Thou shalt not kill,” because such a commandment would not be applicable in times of war or self-defense. The Kamitic/Kemetic philosophers instead understood one thing that Moses took for granted and is taken for granted in our society today, which is that provided we all have considerable use of our five physical faculties, thus we can be considered normal.  We all have different cognizances based upon our affiliations, backgrounds, beliefs, etc., which is why we can’t generalize what truth is and is not.   In other words, you can’t expect everyone to be on the same page as you because we all have different levels of understanding based upon our knowledge and maturity.  This is why the children of Israel didn’t understand Moses.  This is why it is foolish to try and force someone to accept certain truths. In fact, I believe the present situations involving most organized religion is due to force conversions to religious beliefs, because anyone who truly understood these prophets would be dead set against atrocities occurring in their name.  This would mean that the heinous acts committed in these individual’s name (or so-called “God’s name”) are actually being perpetrated by individuals who have misinterpreted and misunderstood the original teachings. There is no way Jesus could have preached about love, yet at the same time those who had different beliefs he declare enslave and kill. This is why Jesus says and I paraphrase, “do not throw pearls to swine.”


This means that original message or Truth that was taught by these prophets was seriously warped and it was warped by seriously spiritually immature individuals. Said another way, “the swine got hold of the pearls.” How did this happen? Well, we all have played the childhood game of telling secrets, where the original secret that is told becomes a whole new story by the time it reaches the last child in the link. So, the Kamitic/Kemetic philosopher understood this and this is why they chose not to teach Truth in this manner.  They refused to create laws commanding people to do x,y, and z, but they understood that the people needed something to govern themselves with. So, the plan then became for people to learn how to govern themselves through “commonsense” and this is how I believe the 7 Codes/Laws of Maa were conceived.  It is based upon the fact that everyone (that is normal) has “commonsense” or God within.  The thing is that we have to learn how to listen to it, which requires self-discipline.  When we learn how to listen or follow our Higher Self or what the Kamitic/Kemetic philosophers called the ba, we discover what my spiritual teacher called “La Manera,” which is Spanish for “The Way.”  The Way is another synonym for Maa, which simply means in a nutshell that “what works for you may not work for me,” and this is where self-control, self-discipline and self-governing comes into play.


Anyone that has really lived truth knows that TRUTH is dependent upon both knowledge and wisdom.

If Moses’ people were spiritually mature, he would have given them the same principles that he was taught, which enabled him to become the Great Conjure Man of the bible. But, they weren’t ready and this is why the only thing that people have to remember this event by is the Ten Commandments. The true principles however, were based upon Maa and another word synonymous with Maa is Faith and this is the secret to Moses’ power.  As any true kaballist will tell you, there is a whole host of magical charms attributed to Moses and magic isn’t fueled by the intellect but by Faith.

The first observable Truth that the ancient Kamitic/Kemetic philosophers could all acknowledge and agree upon was on the power of man and woman’s will, along with the fact that we all live and we all will physically die.  So, to help people to come into their divinity, governing their own “selves” and to prevent people from just making up spiritual paths as they go along to fit their whims.  The Kamitic philosophers created the 7 Codes/Laws of Maa, which were taught to Moses. These codes/laws have been adapted and modified to contemporary times but generally speaking they are:

1. Maa is Truth and Is Based Upon Perspective
2. Maa is Balance and Is Limited by the Mind
3. Maa is Harmony and Becomes What Attention is Focused On.
4. Maa is Justice and Doing What is Right, Right Now.
5. Maa is Love and Love is Exchange
6. Maa is Order and Not Coincidence
7. Maa is Propriety and Doing What is Relevant
As you can see, these codes/laws are ideal principles that speaks to each individual based upon his or her knowledge and maturity. These Codes/Laws based upon one’s maturity allows one to create the type of life they want provided it is according to Maa. Like the principle of gravity, they will never change and will continue to assist an individual regardless of his or her growth because they aren’t laws, so there is no need to update them. If you have studied another system, you will find that these Codes/Laws coincide with the principles of that system as well, provided it is focused on the evolution of consciousness.
For instance, Code 1 we see that the truth to an individual can be the religion that they were born in, but as an individual’s cognizance expands. It can include metaphysical principles and so on. Does it mean that one of the perspectives is right and the other wrong. Not at all.  In this situation both perspectives are valid, but the latter has more knowledge on the subject according to their awareness. It is like comparing an elementary math student to a phd math candidate.  Both perspectives are valid, the latter just has a better grasp on the subject because of his or her knowledge and maturity.


So you see, these 7 Codes/Laws of Maa or Principles were never meant to be Commandments or Laws because life is not black and white. Only spiritually immature individuals that have a limited understanding of who they are (Knowledge of Self) would see life as being so rigid, which is why they see the need for having Laws.  These individuals feel that if they didn’t have commandments or laws given to them by the Almighty God that they will not follow them. This is the reason the Commandments given to Moses’ people had to be modified, which is why John the Baptist and Jesus came into the Christian scene.
The Kamitic/Kemetic philosophers always understood that life is very grey, which is why they advertised, promoted and encouraged people to live a life dedicated to Maa (Balance). They knew that once an individual finds his or her Maa (Balance/Way). No one has to put the fear of God in them because they have a love for the God within them.  For instance, an individual with the Love of God within them according to Code 5 would not harm an individual just to do so nor would they allow harm to fall upon another, but they would defend themselves and others according to Code 4. This is because the 7 Codes/Laws of Maa made one responsible for themselves and each other. Part of the reason why is because at the core of Maa is Love, which is another principle associated with Maa.  This is why the netcharu (netjeru, neteru, guardian angel, etc.) that governed Maa was called Maat, depicted as a woman wearing a feather on her head. The feather symbolized that Maa is a powerful force that is light as a feather but very strong as a rock, hence it is the foundation for the universe as indicated by the uraeus (serpent) emerging from the third eye.
The Kamitic/Kemetic philosophers had all sorts of puns, and according to Kamitic philosophy Maa was the first thing that the Almighty God Nebertcher created after coming into Being. It is the foundation that our universe is built upon and everything from the duality that exists in nature to love is reflected through the Maa. This is why it is important that everyone find his or her own Maa, because it is how the divine energy is able to manifests itself through you.  For instance, as I mentioned in previous works, I grew up in a Christian household and never learned how to pray (at least not how I heard the televangelists pray), but the first time I set “Lights” (candles) it came easy to me. But, according to my Christian upbringing I was wrong for setting lights.  It was only because of Code 2 and Code 5 that I realized that this is my Maa (my Way). This is one of the ways the Divine works through me, by working through my hands. I now can lay hands and have used my hands to bless others such as blessing them through prayer, artwork, cooking, etc. It was through the Maa that I learned that I have what the old folks called ‘Healing Hands’, but I would never have learned this had I not followed the 7 Codes of Maa. Now, because I have Healing Hands, there are certain things that I have to do so that I don’t lose my divine talent. Like any other divine talent, if it is not used correctly it will be taken away from you. Not because God is punishing you but simply because of Maa – Cause and Effect. Without the 7 Codes of Maa, who knows how long it would have taken for me to learn this. As you can see, this is one of the ways the 7 Codes of Maa can help you to find your Way.

The Books of the Dead

So, when you compare the 7 Codes/Laws of Maa with the 42 Declarations (incorrectly called the 42 Laws of Maat or 42 Negative Confessions) and the whole Pert em Hru (the so-called Egyptian Book of the Dead which translates literally to The Book of the Sun/Day) we can easily see that the Declarations and the book itself is actually someone’s spiritual diary with their favorite scriptures, spells and so forth.
At first I didn’t want to accept this but, the more I learned about shamanistic culture. The more I began to realize that, that is what the Pert em Hru was, which is very similar to the Tibetan Bardol Thodol (the Tibetan Book of the Dead).  Those familiar with deep meditation know that when you meditate on a much deeper level you know that you will come in contact with a host of immaterial entities. These entities or spirits can be helpful or spiteful, but it all depends upon the practitioner’s perspective, hence Code 1. This is why even Set (the evil one) can be made to serve. Most authors miss the point when it comes to interpreting the Pert em Hru because they don’t understand shamanic cultures and shamanic traditions. It is only when we see the Kamitic/Kemetic society as a traditional African culture that followed a magico-religious faith with shamanistic techniques. That we will truly understand what the Pert em Hru was all about. Once we do, we will understand that the 7 Codes/Laws of Maa gives us the ability to write our own Pert em Hru, which metaphorically means The Book of Transforming Your Will. That’s right people, to the spiritually immature it was called a book of magic.
It is sort of like the Christian bible or the Holy Bible, which in Latin is called Helios Biblios or Sun Book (sounds familiar). Now, this is not by coincidence (Code 6). At first glance you would think that the early Christians simply copied it from the Kamitic/Kemetic people. I did as well, but I was missing the deeper truth. I had the facts but not the wisdom. It wasn’t until I reviewed how the elders in my life viewed the bible that I got a better understand what it was. You see, back in the day, older people would read and read and read the bible the closer the came to end of their life cycle on earth. It was like they were trying to memorize it. I remember meeting one elder who was always happy. When asked why he was so happy all of the time, he stated that he had one scripture that he remembered, which was a Psalms that he always repeated in times of difficulties. Old people throughout the Southern US were known for using the Psalms.  In fact there is a whole tradition on using the Psalms and even divining with the bible. Yeah, no one wants to talk about how culture seeps out of us even when we aren’t trying to but every time that preacher steps up to the pulpit and opens the bible. He (or she) is divining as to what the inner self needs to tell him or her self and the congregation. I have seen the same thing done with the Quran by people in the rural areas of Senegal.
Do you understand what the Christian bible is now? I might remind you that quiet as kept, the Christian bible was buried with the dead as well, just like the Kamitic/Kemetic bible. No one says, the Christian Book of the Dead but, this tradition is still practiced in some areas, so you do understand what the Christian bible is now?  It is the Christian’s Book of Transformation.  Many people have mixed views about the bible because of how it was used as a tool of propaganda, but in Theophus Smith’s Conjuring Culture: Biblical Formations of Black America, the author shows how African Americans, Jamaicans and others used the bible as a tool of resistance to conjure their own reality.
The problem is that most of our ancestors didn’t teach us before they left this plane how to do the same.  Fortunately, I discovered that this was possible because of the 7 Codes/Laws of Maa. Now, our ancestors didn’t know of the 7 Codes/Laws and probably didn’t call them as such, but these codes can be found in any traditional culture.  You see the thing about the 7 Codes/Laws of Maa is that if you think of them as being laws then they will degrade into commandments, which later becomes dogma. Again, this is the problem the ancient Hebrews had, which is why Jesus had to come and correct them. But, when you see the 7 Codes/Laws of Maa for what they really are you see that they are the same divine principles that gave birth to the Universe. That’s right. These are the same principles that the Creator used to create the Universe and everything in it. This is why by learning the 7 Codes/Laws of Maa, you can manifest similar miracles in your life because it is the foundation of spiritual technology. Everything such as the so called law of attraction and positive thinking is based upon the 7 Codes of Maa, which gives one the ability to change whatever he or she wills, hence the Pert em Hru.  For instance, we find the ability to lay hands on an individual is based upon Code 1, Code 2 and Code 3. Karma is based upon Code 4, Code 5, Code 6 and Code 7, and so on.  So, the 7 Codes/Laws of Maa were all about, teaching people how to come into their divinity and create the desired change in their life using the power of the divine. Simply put, the codes allows you to create miracles in your life. The Codes are not laws just guiding principles that should be kept in mind. It is through these codes anyone can pick up anything and make changes according to their will. Understand, that when I am talking about making changes, I am not saying that you can twinkle your nose like Samantha on Bewitched or tap your broom like Nanny McPhee. No, we’re talking about using the same principles that the universe were created upon to sow seeds in the invisible spiritual realm to manifest physically through faith.
Hope that helps.
Derric “Rau Khu” Moore
Also see: F*** Karma! (What People Don’t Tell You About Karma) 

For more information on the Maa click on Maa: A Guide to the Kamitic Way for Personal Transformation